
Our top tips for induction week

Welcome to The Sheffield College! In preparation for your induction week, we’ve put together a list of top tips to ensure that you kick-start your learning with us the right way and have a great year.

Here are some essential tips to help you ace your induction week:

Get to know your surroundings

During your induction week, you’ll get the chance to tour around our facilities and see where you’ll be learning. All of our sites include state of the art facilities, inspirational learning environments and great communal areas to relax and work in. We would recommend taking a look around all of the areas that the college has to offer so that you’ve already got an idea of how to get around before you officially start!

Don’t forget your lanyard

It’s essential that you bring your student ID and lanyard that you were given at enrolment – you’ll be expected to wear this at all times on campus so it’s important to bring it with you!

Find out about support available

You’ll be given a range of materials during induction that outline the services and support available to you as a student at The Sheffield College, including:

  • The Student Support Fund

  • Access to the Student Assistance Programme

  • Disabled Students’ Allowances (if applicable)

You can also visit Student Central, which is our one-stop-shop for all your student support needs and is home to our support staff, Careers Advisers and Students’ Union!

For more information about funding available, please contact our Admissions and Student Funding Team who can help point you in the right direction. You can contact them via studentsupportfund@sheffcol.ac.uk.

Plan your travel to us

Although travelling to college might be a little further than you’re used to, it’s still super easy as all our main campuses are on bus or tram routes. There are lots of options for students available, from discounted single fares to weekly passes so that you can get the best deal on public transport.

You can plan your journey to us here

Get involved with our Students’ Union

All students are automatically members of the National Union of Students (NUS) through the college’s Students’ Union, however it’s up to you to choose how involved you want to be.

Make the most of the social side of it and get involved in one of the many clubs, enrichment opportunities and events that they organise throughout the year, or you could also consider becoming a Student Rep where you will get the chance to have your voice heard and the opportunity to make a real impact on your student experience.

Find out more about our Students’ Union here

Make yourself familiar with our Learning Resources Centre

Our Learning Resource Centres (LRC’s) have all the tools and resources that you will need to develop your knowledge and skills.

They have books, e-books, computers, journals… you name it, they have it! The LRC’s also have a great selection of newspapers, magazines and fiction books if you fancy some time out.

If you need help do not hesitate to ask a member of the LRC team. In addition to resources and advice, our Senior Learning Facilitators can provide 1-2-1 support with:

  • maths and English to GCSE level

  • study skills

  • essays and assignments

  • revision and exam preparation

  • and much more!

Click here to find out more about what to expect during your induction week