#Case Studies
Diana Buzamurga
We asked Diana to tell us about her experience of studying from home whilst working remotely. Read on to find out how she's been doing and to also see her top 5 tips for working from home!
What has been the biggest challenge about working remotely/in a different country and how have you overcome this?
In my opinion, the biggest challenge of working remotely, and especially from a different country, is not being able to have face to face interaction with the tutors. It's different to studying on your own and not being able to instantly ask for help when you need it. However, the tutors have been extremely supportive throughout the whole process of remote learning and they continue to answer any questions and provide all the support needed despite the distance.
So although there is no face to face interaction, I have received all the support needed and have been able to overcome this barrier.
How have you found it communicating with your tutors from home?
Communicating with teachers hasn’t been a problem at all, they've been available at any time to answer our questions and provide support.
We're able to contact them through different channels like email, Google Meet and Hangouts as well as Google Classroom. If we miss a lesson or need extra support they'll set up 1:1 sessions to cover any content we may havie missed. We also receive regular feedback on the work we submit.
What has been one positive outcome of working from home?
I think that the most positive outcome of working from home is that you can study at your own pace and take as much time as you need. The teachers are there to clarify any problems w emay face.
What would your top 5 tips be for others working/studying/learning from home?
My tips for anyone studying from home are:
Stay well focused and motivated, take advantage of the fact that there are fewer distractions and more time for you to work, it will be worth it in the end.
Ask your teachers for help! They are there for you and are very supportive so make sure you ask for support when you need it.
Organise your time as if you were at college and prioritise your activities to ensure that you meet all your deadlines. Don’t forget to have time for yourself also, don’t stress!
Complete all the work gradually and keep revisiting rather than cramming everything in the night before. You’ll end up with piles of homework and material to revise this will only cause you unnecessary stress.
Attend all the online lessons and have a go at all the work set by your teachers, you will useful in preparing you for the exams.

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